Serenity Wellness
Life Balance with Laurie & Lorene
Helping you achieve balance from within!
Carnegie St
Address to be given once booking has been made.
Regina, Saskatchewan
This is How You Could
Earn a 1,852%
Return on Your Investment
Be healthy and wealthy!! How much does your health affect your pocketbook?
What if you could earn money from being healthy?
If you are interested in taking your
financial portfolio to another level,
read on.
$140 – 1 Month 140.00
(100.00 PV product + 40.00 starter kit)
$100 – months 2-12 1,100.00
Total for one year $1,240.00
Lets compare 3 investment Choices:
A. Stock Market with a 14% return
$1,240.00 x 1.14 = $1,413.60 for one year
Saving to Make Money
Actual Investment Earnings - $173.60
B. Mutual Funds with a 7% return
$1,240.00 x 1.07 = $1,326.80 for one year
Saving to Make Money
Actual Investment Earnings - $ 86.80
C. Young Living – one year period return is 1,852%
($24,200 - $1,240) / $1,240 =18.516 x 100 = 1,852%
Spending to Make Money
Actual Investment Earnings - $ 86.80
At 14% return in the stock market, one years’ earnings of $1,240.00 would take approx. 23 years compounding to reach $24,200.00
At 7% return in mutual funds, one years’ earnings of
$1, 240.00 would take approx. 44 years compounding to reach $24,200.00
It is possible with Young Living to make this & more in ONE YEAR!!!
Hear is how we make a 1,852% return with a Young Living Investment.
With the BONUSES given by Young Living:
1 month $ 265.00
2 month 935.00
3 month 2,300.00
4 – 12 months 20,700.00
(2,300.00 x 9 mo.)
Total $ 24,200.00/year
To break this down further:
Month One:
Sponsor six people to become YL product users who invest $140.00 (100.00 PV product + 40.00 starter kit), go on autoship the 1 month & spend $100.00 or more each month thereafter continuing on autoship.
6 people x $100 PV = $600 x 25% = $150.00 STAR PERFORMANCE BONUS
Total Starter Bonuses $150.00
Team Captain Bonus 100.00
Unilevel Commission 15.00
(6 people x $100 x 2-1/2%)
(% of group sales)
Grand Total $265.00
Month Two:
Teach at least two of these six product users to sponsor six people like you did in Month One. They are now your two business builders needed for you to qualify for the Team Bonus of $500.00 and your business builders will get the
Team Bonus of $100.00.
6 people x $100 = 600 x 15% = $ 90.00 STAR PERFORMANCE BONUS
12 people x $100 = 1,200 x 25% = 300.00 YL MATCHING BONUS
Total Starter Bonuses $390.00
Team Manager Bonus 500.00
Unilevel Commission 45.00
(12x100x.025 = 30.00)
(6x100x.025 = 15.00)
Grand Total $935.00
Month Three:
Support your two business builders to do what you did in Month Two!!
Now your Team Bonus will be $2000.00, your first level business builders will receive $500.00 and your second level business builders will get $100.00.
12 people x 100.00 = 1,200 x 15% =$180.00 YL MATCHING BONUS
Director Bonus $2,000.00
Unilevel Commission 120.00
(6x100x5% =30.00
Grand Total $ 2,300.00
Months 4-12 – carry on @ $2,300.00/month
YEARLY TOTAL $24,200.00
This total is funds earned by the BONUS PROGRAM. It only took 6 people sponsored by you and 42 people being active as either business builders or product users in your team.
In Conclusion:
Your yearly income will be even higher because some people will buy more products than $100.00 per month, thus higher unilevel commissions for you. Also, people will buy as preferred and retail customers to add to your income and these methods also include Bonus Programs. PLUS, as you rise in the ranks of the company, you will earn more. Furthermore, if people join with a
Start Living Kit, you will receive a Starter Kit Bonus of $25.00 for each kit.
In addition, you earn points on the Autoship Essential Rewards Program which can be cashed in for free product!!!
With your Young Living $1,240.00 yearly investment, you are also buying product to maintain your health while at the same time increasing your income. A definite Win-Win situation!!
All this with NO employees, NO Boss, NO Inventory!!!